Maritime, Naval

Inspection, maintenance & repair

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Knowledge is power. We know just how harsh and destructive the underwater environment can be on metal, concrete, and other building materials. Midco's professional divers are trained to perform underwater inspection, maintenance, and repair services on bridges, piers, water tanks, submerged pipelines, coastal structures, and any other underwater structure. We can help you avoid hidden issues, and ensure the reliability and compliance of your investments. Let Midco be your eyes.


Avoid costly repairs by staying ahead of the issues. Midco's commercial diving teams can perform regular inspections to identify problems before they present themselves. Our commercial divers are trained to evaluate issues like scour, cracking in concrete edifices, and corrosion of the structure’s metal components. The scope and magnitude of any issues will be evaluated, and you’ll get a high-def video of the complete inspection. Midco can help you formulate a comprehensive plan of action based on your goals and our experience.


The key to maintenance underwater is often as simple as keeping the system clear of natural build-up. If you want to extend the service life of an underwater structure, cleaning and dredging are likely to be common chores. Midco's professional team of commercial divers are certified to perform a substantial range of maintenance-related duties, and we frequently perform diver dredging of forebays, wet wells, and other underwater locations. Midco uses a number of different masterfully designed cleaning devices and units to remove deposits and sediment that can compromise the function of the structure.


All structures submersed in aquatic environments, at one point or another, will require a number of underwater repairs. Although much in the way of inspection and maintenance can be done to slow the effects of scour, cracking, and corrosion, aquatic structures will eventually fall victim to each of these environmental threats. Midco has the knowledge and tangible experience to deliver inclusive on-site underwater repairs for any kind of structure afflicted by deterioration. When bridges, dams, tanks, tunnels, valves, gates, stoplogs, bulkheads, pumping systems require renewal and repair, our commercial diving and structural skills provide an efficient and cost-effective approach.

  • Potable Water Tank Inspections
  • FERC Inspections
  • Bridge Inspections
  • Valve & Gate Inspections
  • Circulating Water System Inspection
  • Traveling Waterscreen Inspection
  • Trash Rack Inspection
  • Raw Water Intake Inspection
  • Concrete Inspection
  • Stoplog & Bulkhead Inspection
  • Piping Systems Inspection
  • Fire And Pump System Inspection
  • Service Water Inspection
  • Dredging Of Lagoons
  • Cofferdam Installations And Removals
  • Canal Inspection And Repair
  • Water Tank Coating Repair
  • Interior And Exterior Coating Replacement

Because we work in such extreme conditions, certifications are just the start. We start with the best of the best, and if we're not diving, we're drilling, retraining, and recertifying.


Commercial diving requires a special skill set: tradesmen who welcome the added challenge of working underwater, in some of the most demanding conditions on the planet. After nearly twenty years, we have what it takes to assemble the right team for your job.


Midco is the leading commercial diving operation in the United States because we go in where few others would. Our commitment to safety, process, and protocol gets the job done. In such harsh and challenging environments, experience makes all the difference.

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Ref #: 13391