José Jerônimo

Industrial Maintenence

  • Brazil
  • Member since 03.04.22
  • No Reviews
  • 00 Ongoing Projects
  • 00 Completed Projects
  • 00 Services in Queue
  • 00 Completed Services



Meu nome é Jerônimo sou brasileiro, moro no Brasil e tenho inglês básico (mas estou estudando) and Basic Spanish, procurando uma oportunidade de trabalho fora do Brasil.

Não tenho carteira de trabalho em seu país, mas estou procurando uma oportunidade de trabalho, para conquistar um espaço e mostrar minhas habilidades em qualquer que seja a contratação, pois sou uma pessoa determinada, dedicada, otimista e Amo o que faço na minha vida profissional.

Tenho experiência em manutenção industrial há mais de 16 anos, em indústria alimentícia, fábrica de cimento, indústria de laticínios e indústria cosmética (área de embalagens plásticas).

Sou graduado com certificado e diploma em Mecânica Industrial, Instrumentação Industrial, Mecatrônica, Engenharia Mecânica e MBA em Gestão de Manutenção.

Possuo habilidades com experiência em Manutenção Industrial Geral, Preventiva, Corretiva (Emergência e Programada), ajustes e Reparos (Máquinas e Equipamentos - Motores, Correias Transportadoras, Redutores - com substituição de Rolamentos, elétrica básica, Correstes, Rolamentos, Eixos, Válvulas, Bombas, Soldas com arco elétrico), 5s, Desenhos Técnicos, Execução e Entendimento de Projeto em máquinas e equipamentos industriais, Treinamento da Equipe de Manutenção e Operacional (com máquinas e equipamentos), sempre sendo proativo, determinado, organizado, analítico, criativo na as execuções do meu trabalho e trabalhando em equipe para o crescimento da indústria e do nosso.

Não tenho problemas com horário de trabalho dependendo da necessidade da empresa posso trabalhar em turnos rotativos, semanas finas, horas extras, feriados



Industrial Maintenance Supervisor

  • 02.07.12 - continue

Supervise the executions of the tasks of all technical team on the project and acting in the production and improvement of facilities (Plastic packaging machines of Selovac, Plastic and Injector packaging Blowing Machines), and schedule, plan machine and equipment stops together with the PCM team, for preventive and corrective maintenance (emergencies and scheduled), always accompanied by the MTBF. including activities such as supervision and installation of systems (electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, etc.), Maintain the proper conditions of machinery and equipment of the place where it works, organization of the area always aiming at the safety of employees (adopting - 5 S). Locate defects in machinery or complementary mechanical equipment, examining the operation or directly the defective part and studies the operational requirements of mechanical installations and equipment, to ensure its recovery; Develop procedures and Train employees in the area (Maintenance / Production) in machinery and equipment, Develop improvements to improve the capacity and productivity of equipment and develop projects of development of devices for machinery and equipment, select third-party services for repairs to equipment, through technical evaluation, market research and analysis of the cost and benefit ratio of work, supervise the receipt and inspection of materials for maintenance, ensuring their compliance. Cost and benefit ratio of work, supervise the receipt and inspection of materials for maintenance, ensuring their compliance.

Mechanical Maintenance Technician

  • 15.08.10 - 22.06.12

General Maintenance in SIG COMBIBLOC Container Machine, SIG Comarc Machine Filler and Container; Work on Engine and Centrifuge Pump Maintenance, Lobe Pumps, Vacuum Pumps; Maintenance of Radial motors and compressors for can dryers; Maintenance of machine of enumerator and sifter of cans; General maintenance and SCHEFFERS (Where Condensed Milk is produced); Inspect equipment; Tetra Pak machine maintenance and GIS (box); General Maintenance in Cavaco Boiler (aligning conveyor belt, alignment of motor reducers and maintenance of the same); General Maintenance in Marker, Can Caster and Palletizer; Inspection, preventive and corrective maintenance Mechanics; Inspect piping; identify leakage; Maintain contact with production to program equipment shutdown in general; Contribute to the reduction of costs in the maintenance process in general; Maintenance in electrical preventive and corrective maintenance; Accompany third parties in predictive maintenance with infrared thermometer, stethoscope and other equipment for predictive purposes. Note: Production Line with TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) system.

Broth Extraction Supervisor (Maintenance / Production)

  • 04.10.09 - 31.12.09

Oversee the process of reception and extraction of sugarcane juice and guide the team on the correct procedure of activities; Coordinate preventive maintenance, inspections, predictive and corrective equipment of the sector and management of process parameters, aiming at the best performance and efficiency of milling in the unit; Supervise and guide staff in the disassembly and assembly of mills and suits, metal belt, mincers, shredder, reducers, pumps, rotary sieves, mill bearings, mill comb, mill bearings and lubrication of the mill, Program actions and planned interventions in equipment Op. of Milling Panel. Acting as a facilitator between the Extraction area and other industry sectors, through the relationship with the area coordinators, ensuring productivity and efficiency; Contribute to the achievement of production and productivity objectives in line with safety, health, environmental, cost, quality and productivity requirements.

Broth Extraction Supervisor (Maintenance / Production)

  • 22.09.03 - 17.04.09

Supervise sugarcane juice extraction process (Mills) and guide the team on the correct procedure of the activities; Coordinate preventive maintenance, inspections, predictive and corrective equipment of the sector and management of process parameters, aiming at the best performance and efficiency of milling in the unit; Supervise and guide staff in the disassembly and assembly of mills and suits, metal belt, mincers, shredder, reducers, pumps, rotary sieves, mill bearings, mill comb, mill bearings and lubrication of the mill, Program actions and planned interventions in equipment Op. of Milling Panel. Acting as a facilitator between the Extraction area and other industry sectors, through the relationship with the area coordinators, ensuring productivity and efficiency; Contribute to the achievement of production and productivity objectives in line with safety, health, environmental, cost, quality and productivity requirements. Note: With Basic experience in the area of Industrial Instrumentation.

Maintenance Assistant

  • 03.07.00 - 25.04.03

Supply of Raw Material (Iron Miner, Agilas, Clik, Limestone), in the area of Cement Mill and Preparation Mill, Conveyor Belt Alignment, bucket lift, assist the mechanic in the activities, including in the reforms of the ovens and assist panel operators in the area of Cement Mill and Preparation Mill.


MBA in Maintenance Management

  • IPOG - Graduate and Graduate Institute – BRAZIL.
  • 03.07.18 - 22.11.19

Mechanical Engineering

  • Pitágoras College– BRAZIL
  • 14.02.13 - 22.12.17

Mechatronics Technician

  • SENAI Technology College.
  • 12.07.10 - 24.08.12

Supervisor of Electromechanical Maintenance

  • FATEC SENAI Ítalo Bologna – BRAZIL.
  • 12.07.10 - 17.06.11

Industrial Instrumentation

  • 05.05.08 - 17.10.08

Industrial Mechanic

  • 09.04.07 - 26.10.07

Report Company